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- Msg: #4763 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 21-JAN-88 04:47 AM
- Subj: "STRANGE HARVEST" etc... (R)
- From: Tom Mickus
- To: Linda Howe (X)
- Welcome to ParaNet Linda. Could you perhaps give us an update on current
- prevalence of "cattle mutilations". Have they really dropped off dramatically
- since 1983? In regards to this whole subject generally, what books would you
- recommend as being the most comphrehensive? Seeing that your documentary was
- widely publicized, is it very difficult for Video shops to acquire it? And I
- know this is kind of putting you on the spot, but what's your reaction to the
- Lear.txt, especially his comments relating to the genetic deficiency the EBEs
- are supposed to have? One last question, how prevalent was the cattle
- mutilation thing here in Canada, in particular, Ontario? Thanks, I shall be
- awaiting your response...
- ...Tom
- Reply(s) #4786 #4787 #4829
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4786 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 21-JAN-88 11:23 PM
- Subj: #4763 - "STRANGE HARVEST" etc...
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Tom Mickus (X)
- to Tom Mickus from Linda Howe About current status of animal mutilation
- phenomena, I have written a softcover book entitled "Animal Mutilations: The
- UFO Factor" available now with 26 photos, documents and map. It focuses on
- recent cases, especially those involving UFOs. In answer to your second
- question above, the mutilations did not taper off dramatically after l983.
- There was intense activity iin South Dakota near Pine Bluff and Colorado and
- several other parts of the United States. Tom Adams in Paris, Texas, also has
- files containing newspaper articles about the l980's and previous years. He
- is at P. O. Box l094, Paris Texas. He also publishes "Stigmata" and "Crux"
- about animal mutilations and paranormal phenomena.
- About the availability of my documentary "A STRANGE HARVEST," in the week of
- January 25th I am editing a new hour version that will contain a 6 minute
- update of new material. That video is available for purchase from me for
- $47.50 including postage. Orders can be placed with a check or money order
- made out to: Linda Moulton Howe and sent to A STRANGE HARVEST,3208 East
- Fremont Drive, Littleton, Colorado 80l22, PH: 303-694-9749. I also have
- available the complete transcript of the first broadcast version of A STRANGE
- HARVEST, 77-minutes, with updates from l980 to l987 bound in soft cover for
- $l8.00, including postage. There are several published and video variations I
- have and for further information about videos and publications, please contact
- me by letter at the East Fremont address.
- <continued>
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #4787 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 21-JAN-88 11:55 PM
- Subj: #4763 - "STRANGE HARVEST" etc...
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Tom Mickus (X)
- <continued>
- About Lear's material -- he has aggressively been accumulating information
- from many sources since the summer. As is often the case in this hall of
- mirrors with a quicksand floor (the UFO story), getting to any real hard rock
- fact underneath the quicksand is difficult. Out of frustration, many people
- are tempted to run with conclusions based on second guessing and
- circumstantial connections. I sympathize with the frustration and energy
- behind releases such as John's. But as I have said to him directly, jumping
- to conclusions and inferences without hard proof, especially in public forums,
- can be a disservice. After 7 years since producing A STRANGE HARVEST, the
- only thing I can safely say is that there has been and is today deceit and
- disinformation at many different levels, sometimes a single government agency
- can be sending conflicting and contradictory messages simultaneously. And
- from the abduction cases, it is also clear that the ET's themselves don't seem
- to level with humans either. So, every piece of information that surfaces,
- including John's paper, has a question mark around it?
- Canada? Many mutilation reports there in British Columbia, Alberta.... after
- Canadian Mounted Police in Calgray. He wanted to screen A STRANGE HARVEST
- because quite honestly in spite of the RCMP's public statements about being on
- the trail of a cult killing the animals, the private fact was that they were
- stymied like all the other law enforcement in this country and elsewhere.
- Lauber screened HARVEST and maintained an exchange of photographic and other
- - More (Y)/N/NS?
- evidence with U.S. law enforcement. The most recent animal mutilation stories
- surfaced in October l987 in Gunther, Alabama -- over 40- animals found slit
- from th roat thru stomach, bloodless, and some internal organs removed. No
- person or thing caught. In Wytheville, Va currently, much livestock reported
- missing.
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #4829 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-JAN-88 02:15 AM
- Subj: #4763 - "STRANGE HARVEST" etc...
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Tom Mickus
- This is a follow up to my correspondence yesterday with Tom Mickus about John
- Lear's text. John gathered that material from several sources who were all
- getting a similar dark scenario concerning the gray ET motives. Since
- September, several UFO investigators have received similar material from
- confidential sources, so John has outlined some of what has surfaced and his
- ideas about the material. It's important to keep in mind that John is not
- alone in receiving such material and the fact that similar stories are coming
- from different sources in the U. S. and abroad might be significant. However,
- so far there still is no proof for any of it and I think it is helpful to keep
- a mental distance on all the unproved material -- like watching a movie from
- the back row in the balcony without becoming too involved in any particular
- scene and sensing that the plot can still take some very unexpected turns.
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #4767 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 21-JAN-88 10:05 AM
- Subj: MIBS (R)
- From: Ralph Toscano
- To: Linda Howe (X)
- Hi Linda;
- Nice to have you on ParaNet... I know this may be out of your area of
- expertise, but do you know anything about the MIB cases?? Or how about the
- EBE's that Mr. Lear spoke of?....Looking forwardûß to your Sorrýéyß´
- about the line noise....
- Reply(s) #4788
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4788 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-JAN-88 12:08 AM
- Subj: #4767 - MIBS (R)
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Ralph Toscano (X)
- To Ralph Toscano from Linda Howe ... First, MIB's. When I was investigating
- the animal mutilation mystery in l979-l980 for A STRANGE HARVEST, there were
- at least 3 different kinds of ETs associated with the mutilations: l) the
- Grays, the short large black eyed type such as those so often reported and
- drawn by abductees in Budd H opkins research and others. 2) Blonds, or
- Nordic types -- taller, pale shoulder length hair and light eyes with pupils
- bigger than human eyes but basically very similar in appearance to Northern
- European humans. 3) Dark skinned, brown, Asiatic type with slanted eyes and
- dark black hair that make strange high pitched language sounds. This is also
- your MIB description in the UFO literature. Are the Asiatic types doing
- several things at once including scaring UFO witnesses and mutilating animals?
- Or are there several different types of ETs on the planet at the same time,
- each with a different mission or motive? I don't know the answer. But I do
- believe that human witnesses want to report exactly what they saw. Most
- people in my experience are try ing very honestly to deal with the
- inexplicable by trying to explain it. EBE -- this is a government acronym for
- "extraterrestrial biological entity or entities". It is my understanding that
- this acronym was used by our government; i.e. the MJ-l2 types from around
- l947 on.
- Reply(s) #4801
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4801 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-JAN-88 06:51 AM
- Subj: #4788 - MIBS (R)
- From: Ralph Toscano
- To: Linda Howe (X)
- Linda;
- If all three alien types are associated with the mutilations, then is it
- safe to assume that each "race" has a parallel need for the parts that they
- are so precisely removing?... I am also curious about government involvement
- in these mutilations... Like Army testing of biological weapons on these
- animals...Did you run into any resistance from the military or government
- agencies while doing your research for Strange Harvest??
- Regards -- Ralph
- Reply(s) #4830
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4830 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-JAN-88 02:27 AM
- Subj: #4801 - MIBS
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Ralph Toscano
- About the 3 different alien types related to the mutilations -- it has been
- suggested that the particular blond type seen may have some direct connection
- with the grays such as doing work for the grays without having the same needs
- as the grays. Further, it has also been suggested that the MIB types have
- some kind of alliance with the grays but not necessarily the same needs.
- Thus, various ETs might be assisting each other but for different reasons and
- different needs. About government involvement -- the Head of the animal
- mutiliation investigation, Carl Whiteside, at the Colorado Bureau of
- Investigations perhaps summed up that questiion the best: "Why would the CIA
- or any other government agency go around mutilating cows or other animals out
- on the range lands? If they wanted to test for something in those animals,
- they could simply buy those animals and examine them in government facilities
- without causing public awareness and fear." Contrary to usual military and
- government secrecy about sensitive issues, the mutilated carcasses of animals
- have oftenn been left in conditions of such high strangeness that it seems
- clear that the mutilators want the animals to be found and wondered about.
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #4811 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-JAN-88 12:14 PM
- Subj: Aussie Mutes (R)
- From: Scott Savage
- To: Linda Howe (X)
- Linda,
- With the opening of the UFO flap in Australia, I was wondering if you had
- ever investigated any mutilation reports from "The Land Down Under." With
- such sightings as are occurring now, it would seem that the mutilations might
- be a direct link.
- --Scott
- Reply(s) #4813 #4831
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4813 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-JAN-88 03:00 PM
- Subj: #4811 - Aussie Mutes (R)
- Msg: #4831 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-JAN-88 02:33 AM
- Subj: #4811 - Aussie Mutes (R)
- From: Linda Howe
- To: Scott Savage (X)
- Yes, I made several inquiries about Australia when I was doing A STRANGE
- HARVEST. There are a lot of cows there and I expected to hear a lot of
- mutilation stories. But the opposite -- no mutilation reports in Australia.
- However, there was an intriguing blurb in an English publication about a
- documentary film done in l9ll called "The Haunted Bilabong" about the
- mysterious deaths and mutilations of sheep iin the outback associated with
- creatures from outer space. I tried for a couple of months to try to track
- down such a film -- if it ever existed -- and wonder today if that magazine
- blurb was more government disinformation? Or if such a film was actually made
- in l9ll, who made it? If anyone out there in the Paranet syustem has ever
- heard anything about such a film, I would greatly appreciate knowing.
- Reply(s) #4834
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #4834 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-JAN-88 04:32 AM
- Subj: #4831 - Aussie Mutes (R)
- From: James Vincent
- To: Linda Howe
- 1911? Hmmmm...the very emergence of film as a media itself. If this film did
- exist, it is probably locked away in some film vault at one of the bigger
- studios here, or in England. Do you know if it was a silent film? It seems
- that, being so early, it probably was. I think maybe the best thing to do
- would be to write all the major studios, asking of such a film. It is very
- possible they may know of its whereabouts. I will scan my film books and see
- if I can come up with anything. Also, what was the Englsh publication? Was it
- recent? They may know how to get it.
- -=James
- Reply(s) #4835
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): q